Remembrance and Reconciliation, Inc.

Remembrance and Reconciliation, Inc.

2256 E Gramercy Park Drive, Bloomington, IN 47408 773-744-0202 Email Us


2025 Raise: It's that time again

Every few years we ask our friends to pitch in so that we can continue to restore and maintain the unique and wonderful Jewish cemetery in Przemysl.

Please donate what you can using the "DONATE!" button in the upper right corner of this page.

100% of funds collected by Remembrance and Reconciliation (a US 501c3 tax deductible charity) go to Poland and are used in support of the cemetery. It costs about $6,000 every two years just to maintain the site, more after bad winters and storms.

While supplies last...
Donations of $100 or more receive a copy of Dr Hartman's book, I remember Every Day

Reclaiming and Restoring the Przemysl Cemetery

For twenty years R&R has lead the effort to restore and maintain the Slowackiego Street Jewish Cemetery in Przemysl.  We have spent nearly one hundred thousand of dollars to transform a forgotten, deteriorating field into one of the finest Jewish cemetery sites in all of Poland.

The work was initially focused on security and reclamation -- completing the surrounding fence and clearing half a century of overgrowth. The next phase saw us restoring the many deteriorating stones and markers, including the re-dedication of the Shoah mass grave monument.

We've come a long way, but there is still much work to be done. It costs thousands dollars per year just to maintain the site, funds that today come 100% from donors to the Foundation.

Every penny helps – Please consider making a donation today.